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In order to avoid IP collisions in the system and ensure a proper IPs distribution, this service is offering some IPAM functionalities that can be consumed using a kubernetes clusterIP service (over the kubernetes primary network). This IPAM Service is a GRPC server listening on port 7777.

The specifications of the IPAM Service are written in a proto file accessible here.

IP/Prefix distribution granularity

The Meridio IPAM distributes IP/Prefixes (always within the trench subnet defined in the configuration by IPAM_PREFIX_IPV4 and IPAM_PREFIX_IPV6) at a few different levels.

The first one is at the conduit level. Represented in blue (Conduit-A) and in red (Conduit-B) in the picture below, they are allocated automatically by the IPAM by watching the conduit list via the NSP service. The conduit subnet prefix lengths are defined in the configuration by IPAM_CONDUIT_PREFIX_LENGTH_IPV4 and IPAM_CONDUIT_PREFIX_LENGTH_IPV6.

The second one is at the node level. Represented in black in the picture below (1 per node per conduit), they are allocated when the Allocate API function is called (note: there is currently no way to unallocate except if the conduit is removed.). The node subnet prefix lengths are defined in the configuration by IPAM_NODE_PREFIX_LENGTH_IPV4 and IPAM_NODE_PREFIX_LENGTH_IPV6.

The third (last one) is at the pod level. Each pod will get assigned a unique IP address with IPAM_NODE_PREFIX_LENGTH_IPV4 or IPAM_NODE_PREFIX_LENGTH_IPV6 as prefix length.


Picture representing a cluster with 2 nodes (worked-A and worker-B), 2 conduits (Conduit-A and Conduit-B), 4 targets and the corresponding subnets.

  • Target-1 is running on worker-A and connected to Conduit-A
  • Target-2 is running on worker-A and connected to Conduit-B
  • Target-3 is running on worker-B and connected to Conduit-A and Conduit-B
  • Target-4 is running on worker-B and connected to Conduit-B

Data persistence

Running as StatefulSet with a single replica, the IPAM handles restarts and pod deletions by saving the data in a local sqlite stored in a persistent volume requested via a volumeClaimTemplates.


Environment variableTypeDescriptionDefault
IPAM_PORTintPort the pod is running the service7777
IPAM_DATA_SOURCEstringPath and file name of the sqlite database/run/ipam/data/registry.db
IPAM_TRENCH_NAMEstringTrench the pod is running on
IPAM_NSP_SERVICEstringIP (or domain) and port of the NSP Service
IPAM_PREFIX_IPV4stringIPv4 prefix from which the proxy prefixes will be allocated169.255.0.0/16
IPAM_CONDUIT_PREFIX_LENGTH_IPV4intConduit prefix length which will be allocated20
IPAM_NODE_PREFIX_LENGTH_IPV4intnode prefix length which will be allocated24
IPAM_PREFIX_IPV6stringIPv6 prefix from which the proxy prefixes will be allocatedfd00::/48
IPAM_CONDUIT_PREFIX_LENGTH_IPV6intConduit prefix length which will be allocated56
IPAM_NODE_PREFIX_LENGTH_IPV6intnode prefix length which will be allocated64
IPAM_IP_FAMILYstringIP family (ipv4, ipv6, dualstack)dualstack

Command Line

--helpDisplay a help describing
--versionDisplay the version


SpireTBDUnix Socket
NSP Serviceyes (mTLS)TCP

Health check



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